# About
Introduction: What's going on here?
In early June 2004 a digital culture event will be held in Vienna to examine the theories and practices for making new cultures of access viable. The problem is clear, but not the solution. As some means of production are becoming as cheap as to be practically freely accessible (last year's computer equipment, software, basic Internet access), a new question confronts independent cultural producers: "how can we organize access to cultural works to match the new freedom of production?"
Free Bitflows: Editorial
by Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder
And the winner is: the network! Of all the overhyped concepts of pre-crash new media, the network is the only one that survived an extended encounter with reality. In fact, it not just survived, it flourished. Many of the most interesting recent projects and debates in media culture can be understood as steps towards "networking practice".
The Infrathinic Moment of Stream
by Stephen Kovats
By employing the structure of electronic networks a wide ranging practice of real-time art and critical communication projects have been established. Collaborative network practice, telepresence projects, interactive performances, simultaneous linked-space dialogues, hacktivist wireless mobility experiments and many others have long ago staked out the domain of the New in electronic media culture.
On being 'independent' in a network
by Pauline van Mourik Broekman
If we want to figure out how to sustain independent cultural production on the internet, it seems vital we first look critically at the vocabulary of independence itself - what it might be when translated to the practice of networking.
Why Recycle (A Manifesto)?
by Rick Prelinger
This short manifesto is about why I like working with old images more than making new ones.
Social networks: The future of P2P file sharing
by Janko Roettgers
Since the recording industry sued Napster in December 1999, the P2P community has tried to evade persecution by making their systems more autonomous and less traceable. Unfortunately this process has also adversely affected the user experience. This may not be so obvious when we look at P2P just from a technological perspective. Today's networks serve many more users than the first generation of file sharing platforms. They also enable us to move bits around the network much faster than before.
Reboot your radio!
by Pit Schultz
Notes on the polymorphous architecture of a free cultural radio: Radio as Frontend, Internet as Backend. Open Radio License. Free Cultural Radio. Exstream Programming.