# corrosion
Martin Pichlmair (AT) / Thomas Grill (AT)
corrosion is a process of transformation. it is what happens to material that is exposed to other material and thus reacts to form something new (on the surface). since interfaces relate to surface, and since media always have an interface, corrosion is what transforms cultural material to something new (on the surface), when exposed to new cultural influences.
the video installation corrosion acts on the basis of footage taken from peer to peer networks. it is therefore an (incredibly incomplete) mirror of a cultural group. the mundane activities of peer to peer networking get externalized in the piece, by the quality of the traded materials. the installation therefore reflects the state of the people involved in such kind of networks. filesharing eludes control through technical organization. thus, the network is but a technical manifestation of the underlying principles and goals. control and responsibility are shared as a Madonna mp3.
Participant Info
Martin Pichlmair (AT)
Thomas Grill (AT)