Ground Control
# Ground Control
Ewen Chardronnet (FR)
Chardronnet explored some of the biggest receiving stations of radio spectrum data in Europe, located in the area between Manchester and Hull, UK. On his chosen latitude are the Jodrell Bank Observatory (radioastronomy) and RAF Menwith Hill (surveillance) as well as the world war II BBC stations that transmitted Churchill's overseas speeches. Chardronnets research video work is divided in three parts:
The Jodrell Bank Observatory is the collecting place of the UK Interferometry network MERLIN (Multi-Elements Radio Link Interferometry Network). Until now the signals were collected from each telescope by a micro-wave radio link with a limited bandwith. In 2004 the E-MERLIN project will build its own optical fiber network. The team's plan is to build their own dark fiber network and customized transmission equipments.
Menwith Hill in the UK is the principal NATO theatre ground segment node for high altitude signals intelligence satellites. The facility, jointly operated with the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is now capable of carrying out two million intercepts per hour. Since the early 1960s, Menwith Hill has sifted international messages, telegrams, and telephone calls of citizens, corporations and governments. (fas.org)
Media Monitoring is a sort of paranoia video-clip that uses digital satellite intercepted feeds from Hot Bird satellites (digital sat television system operated by Eutelsat). The Media Monitoring archives were taped in the Makrolab operations in Scotland and Italy and are part of the "Electronic Media Monitoring" works for World-Information.Org.
Participant Info
Ewen Chardronnet (FR)