Out of recession (based on SocioScan)
# Out of recession (based on SocioScan)
Petko Dourmana (BG)
Some years ago market analysts attempted to explain the continuous growth of the US economy with theories of breaking the economic cycles of growth and recession. Many connected the phenomenon to the emergence the "new" economy and hoped for recession never to re-emerge again. Yet after the social and political catastrophe of 11th Sept 2001, the current "anti-terrorists war" and the triumph of yet another global recession, the defendants of the theory of the economic cycles can relax.
Out of recession re-enacts the penthouse of a yuppie technocrat, whose daily routine is to scan and map internet chat channels trough SocioScan looking for sociopath disorders of the "global brain". He uses all kinds of new media and information technologies the flat looking like the home of a stock market dealer.
Different aspects of his job are mirrored in details of the interior, for example an open business magazine left on the coffee table, a laptop on the desk showing the internet site of SocioScan, a TV set showing SocioScan news.
Participant Info
Petko Dourmana (BG)